The Mediators

Independents and available in the whole French-speaking Switzerland

Members of Pôle Médiation all hail from the first mediation program offered by the Swiss Bar Association (SBA). In addition to their legal qualifications, each Pôle Médiation member holds the title of SBA Mediator.

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United by common ethical and humanvalues, the members of Pôle Médiation are convinced by the necessity to provide all parties in conflict with an effective alternative to the judicial process. Their expertise is at your service, ensuring that you receive professional, responsive, and benevolent support in the resolution of your disputes.

The diversity of the profiles within Pôle Médiation assures you of finding the highest level of expertise, regardless of the domain underpinning the conflict you are currently facing.

Spread throughout French-speaking Switzerland, the members of Pôle Médiation practice in French, German, and Italian, as well as in English and Spanish.

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  • Me Simona Müller


    Mediator SBA

    Member of the Geneva Bar Association (ODAGE)

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)

    Infos & contact


    Mediator SBA

    Member of the Geneva Bar Association (ODAGE)

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)






    • French
    • English

    Preferred cantons

    • Vaud
    • Geneva

    Preferred areas

    • Family
    • Criminal

    Aubert Spinedi Street & Associés

    rue Saint-Léger 2

    1205 Genève


    022 307 17 17

  • Me Alain Pichard


    Mediator SBA

    Certified Specialist SBA in Inheritance Law

    Member of the Vaud Bar Association (OAV)

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)

    Infos & contact


    Mediator SBA

    Certified Specialist SBA in Inheritance Law

    Sworn mediator (Vaud)

    Member of the Vaud Bar Association (OAV)

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)


    • French
    • English
    • German
    • Spanish
    • Italian

    Preferred cantons

    • Fribourg
    • Vaud
    • Valais

    Preferred areas

    • Family
    • Inheritance
    • Workplace

    Etude Wettstein – Pichard – Kramer – Chiffelle

    Rue du Simplon 18

    1800 Vevey


    021 922 88 22

  • Me Audrey Châtelain


    Mediator SBA

    Member of the Jura Bar (OAJ)

    Member of the Bern Bar

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)

    Infos & contact


    Mediator SBA

    Member of the Jura Bar Association (OAJ)

    Member of the Bern Bar Association

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)


    • French
    • English
    • German
    • Spanish

    Preferred cantons

    • Jura
    • Neuchâtel
    • Fribourg
    • Bern
    • Vaud
    • Valais

    Preferred areas

    • Family
    • Commercial
    • Inheritance
    • Workplace
    • Sports
    • Neighbourhood
    • Criminal

    Etude d’avocats – Me Audrey Châtelain

    Rue centrale 23

    2740 Moutier


    Grand-Rue 155

    2720 Tramelan


    032 493 60 03

    079 788 94 82

  • Me Jorge Ibarrola

    Attorney-at-Law | LL.M. (McGill & ISDE)

    Mediator SBA | FIFA | CEDR | IEMEDEP

    Sworn mediator (Vaud)

    Member of the Vaud Bar Association (OAV)

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)

    Member of the Instituto Español de Mediacion Deportiva (IEMEDEP)

    Infos & contact

    Attorney-at-Law | LL.M. (McGill & ISDE)

    Mediator SBA | FIFA | CEDR | IEMEDEP

    Sworn mediator (Vaud)

    Member of the Vaud Bar Association (OAV)

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)

    Member of the Instituto Español de Mediacion Deportiva (IEMEDEP)

    Practices in all Swiss cantons and abroad


    • French
    • English
    • Spanish

    Preferred cantons

    • Jura
    • Neuchâtel
    • Fribourg
    • Bern
    • Vaud
    • Geneva
    • Valais

    Preferred areas

    • Commercial
    • Workplace
    • Sports
    • Financial
    • Neighbourhood
    • Property

    Libra Law

    Maison du Sport International

    Avenue de Rhodanie 54

    1007 Lausanne


    +41 21 601 81 254


    +41 79 485 38 44


  • Me Marie Carruzzo Fumeaux


    Mediator SBA

    Certified Specialist SBA Family Law

    Member of the Valais Bar Association (OAVS)

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)

    Member of the Valais Mediation Association (AVdM)

    Infos & contact


    Mediator SBA

    Certified Specialist SBA Family Law

    Member of the Valais Bar Association (OAVS)

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)

    Member of the Valais Mediation Association (AVdM)


    • French
    • English

    Preferred cantons

    • Vaud
    • Valais

    Preferred areas

    • Family
    • Inheritance
    • Criminal

    Etude Lexens

    Rue des Vergers 1
    1950 Sion


    027 327 30 40

  • Me Irène Wettstein

    Attorney-at-Law | MBA

    Mediator SBA

    Member of the Vaud Bar Association (OAV)

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)

    Infos & contact

    Attorney-at-Law | MBA

    Mediator SBA

    Sworn mediator (Vaud)

    Member of the Vaud Bar Association (OAV)

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)


    • French
    • English
    • German
    • Italian

    Preferred cantons

    • Neuchâtel
    • Fribourg
    • Vaud
    • Geneva
    • Valais

    Preferred areas

    • Family
    • Commercial
    • Workplace
    • Neighbourhood
    • Property

    Etude Wettstein – Chiffelle –  Pichard –  Kramer

    Rue du Simplon 18

    1800 Vevey


    021 922 88 2

  • Me Géraldine Badel Poitras

    Attorney-at-Law | TEP

    Mediator SBA

    Sworn mediator (Geneva)

    Member of company boards

    Member of the Geneva Bar Association (ODAGE)

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)

    Infos & contact

    Attorney-at-Law | TEP

    Mediator SBA

    Sworn mediator (Geneva)

    Member of company boards

    Member of the Geneva Bar Association (ODAGE)

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)


    • French
    • English

    Preferred cantons

    • Jura
    • Neuchâtel
    • Fribourg
    • Bern
    • Vaud
    • Geneva
    • Valais

    Preferred areas

    • Commercial
    • Financial
    • Criminal
    • Property

    Gillioz Dorsaz & Associés

    Rue du Général-Dufour, 11
    1204 Genève


    022 702 19 00

  • Me Jessica Preile


    Mediator SBA

    Member of the Council of the Vaud Bar Association (OAV)

    President of the Trainee Lawyers’ Supervisory Chamber of the Vaud Cantonal Court

    Vice-President of the Appeal Committee CDIP/CDS

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)

    Infos & contact


    Mediator SBA

    Member of the Vaud Bar Coucil

    President of the Trainee Lawyers Chamber of the Vaud Bar

    Vice-President of the Appeal Committee CDIP/CDS

    Member of the Vaud Bar Association (OAV)

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)


    • French
    • English
    • German

    Preferred cantons

    • Vaud
    • Geneva
    • Valais

    Preferred areas

    • Family
    • Workplace
    • Neighbourhood

    Salomé Preile Associées

    Avenue de la Gare 17
    CP 266
    1001 Lausanne


    021 310 03 40

  • Me Philippe Cottier


    Mediator SBA

    Member of the Geneva Bar Association (ODAGE)

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)

    Former President (Bâtonnier) of the Geneva Bar Association

    Infos & contact


    Mediator SBA

    Member of the Geneva Bar Association (ODAGE)

    Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA)

    Former President (Bâtonnier) of the Geneva Bar Association


    • French
    • English
    • Spanish

    Preferred cantons

    • Jura
    • Neuchâtel
    • Fribourg
    • Bern
    • Vaud
    • Geneva
    • Valais

    Preferred areas

    • Commercial
    • Workplace
    • Financial
    • Neighbourhood
    • Criminal
    • Property

    Rhône Avocat‧e‧s

    Rue du Rhône 100

    1204 Genève


    +41 58 307 07 07

